Vaio Soft Recovery Manager Description 

Recovery Manager can fortification, duplicate, recover archives, & arrangement cards from various sorts of blast media that have been lost in light of skeleton or battery dissatisfaction, game plan or deletion or pollution brought on by gear or programming glitch. Recovery Manager programming can recover data from Digital film cards, for instance, Compactflash, Smartmedia, Memory Stick, Multimediacard (MMC), Secure Digital card (SD), IBM Microdrive, ATA PC card, Hard drives, ZIP, & Jazz drives. Progressed Image Recovery. 

Capable RAW Digital Image Recovery Digital Movie/Video Recovery. Electronic Audio Recovery. Progressed Data Recovery. Outlining. Recoverable File bunches: JPG/JPEG, TIFF/TIF, WAV, MOV, MPEG/MPG, AVI, BMP, CUR, GIF, ICO, ZIP, PNG, PDF, RTF, DOC, SND, WMV, AIF, ASX, MID, and Mp3. Bunch CRW File. Kodak DCR File. Nikon NEF File. Fuji RAF File. Olympus ORF File Minolta MRW File. Thumbnail view THM record. Structure 1.5 sponsorships new RAW archive associations, fuses additional file and picture record recovery, enhanced media recovery support, and minor bug fixes.

Vaio Soft Recovery Manager Download 
